
The “Employee Experience” at the heart of HR Digitalization

Monday July 10th, 2017

The digitalization of companies is a revolution that not only changes the way we work but also the mentality of how we do it. All departments must be oriented in the same direction to achieve that change, digital transformation and, of course, Human Resources as well.

In a globalized environment, employees need to interact, communicate and work differently. Traditional talent management, as has always been done, complicates the normal development in increasingly digitalized companies. Therefore, technology gives a new approach to human resources management, expanding its dimension and simplifying processes that would otherwise be very complex.

A study about technology and human resources carried out by IDC consulting firm in companies located in Spain and Latin America, concludes that “despite the fact that most organizations claim to have a digitization strategy, in more than 51% of the cases these strategies are not unified or aligned with business processes. ” For this reason, the digital transformation must also imply a transformation in the mentality of management and workers, led by Human Resources.

If one of the great challenges of companies is to attract talent, equal or more important is to retain it. It is not enough to say that we are one of the best companies to work for. We have to prove it. This objective can only be achieved from Human Resources based on a strategy based on “employee experience”. This employee experience must cover all the cycles of the professional career of the worker. The recruitment, training, evaluation of their functions, etc., must be perceived as satisfactory experiences.

We can not forget that native digital workers are already in the labor market and in a short decade will already be a high percentage of employees. They do not conceive their jobs outside the digital realm. But similarly, many of the workers still have developed much of their careers before the digital age. Human Resources must know how to reach both professional profiles, providing the former with a natural digital environment for them and the latter, those of the pre-digital era, intuitive tools, easy to handle, that allow them to understand technology as beneficial and not as an obstacle in their professional development.

According to Hugo Amann, Managing Director of arin, “Good human capital management contributes to the survival of the company and underpins its foundations for future projection. Managing recruiting, hosting, performance evaluation, incentive compensation or training across a single cloud platform enables Human Resources to align with enterprise digitization and provide employees with a highly professional development environment satisfactory.”


Quick on Cloud are packaged, technologically advanced solutions based on web and Microsoft environments that simplify, standardize and automate business processes, adapting to the requirements that each business needs.

Solutions that respond to Sales, Marketing, Finance and HR areas increasing the company’s capabilities in a faster implementation and adoption, with tight and closed costs. All under the arin experience and Oracle technology and innovation.